xuejianxianzun / PixivBatchDownloader

Chrome 扩展,批量下载 Pixiv 的插画和小说。过滤作品、下载时重命名、转换动态图片等。Powerful Pixiv batch downloader. Batch download artworks and novels, filter works, rename when downloading, convert animated images, and more.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Change numbering in naming rule & Check mark for saved works #388

Open Rsfinder opened 4 months ago

Rsfinder commented 4 months ago

Thanks for continuing to provide us with great tools. Especially the recent "Remove the works of following users from the search page" was really great. So far it is accurate and bug free. I'd say it's perfect.

Now to the main topic, I have two feature requests.

**1. The ability to not number works that are not multiple pieces & start numbering from 1.

  1. Mark saved works with a color, ✔, etc.**

First, regarding 1), ex. https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/115870205

For the work at this URL, the naming rule I'm looking for for the file name is as follows. But with the naming rule I have now... (ID={user_id} {id_num}) {title} {user} {p_num}page {date}

◎ (ID=11779339 115870205) 黍 NJnywy 20240208 1852 ✖ (ID=11779339 115870205) 黍 NJnywy 0page 20240208 1852

This is what happens. I understand that this is caused by pixiv starting with ID_p0 in all files. But I don't want to number the works that are only one piece.

Can you somehow create a naming convention that reproduces ◎? I also don't want to start numbering from zero. sorry, I'm selfish... Because I don't think page 0 exists... I'd like to do the following if possible

https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/112509749(ID=11779339 98817199) 塔露拉 NJnywy 1page 20220604 1400 (ID=11779339 98817199) 塔露拉 NJnywy 2page 20220604 1400

And 2) I'd like to mark these with a marker so I can see at a glance which pieces I've saved. Like a tick mark, or a frame. Anything. I've used other pixiv downloaders that have such a feature and it's very useful. ex.

pixiv downloaderEX save mark

Of course, there would be a disadvantage of slowdown if the number of saved logs increases, if there is no benefit, it doesn't have to be implemented.

Sorry for the lengthy request. I have two pixiv Downloader (EX / Batch) and I've been using the EX one for a long time.

The two features I requested are features that are in EX and I thought it would be very useful if they were added to Batch. I'm not saying it's absolutely necessary, but I'd like you to consider it if you'd like. Frankly, I'm happy with the way it is now, so I'll leave it to you.

Thanks again for a great tool. I will continue to support you.

xuejianxianzun commented 4 months ago

Numbering starts from 1: Consider adding this feature.

Do not add a serial number to a single image: You can turn on this function: image But the page in {p_num}page is added by you and does not belong to the naming rules. The downloader will not process it, so page will always be retained.

Mark Downloaded Works: Its performance has not been studied. And the downloader can only rely on download records saved in the browser and cannot check hard drive files, so its "check for duplicate files" function is not always accurate. If a user downloads some works and then deletes them, the downloader won't know. Therefore, this function requires further research.

Rsfinder commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the answer

I did not know about "serial number to a single image" This will serve the purpose of saving multiple pieces. however, as you say, the page will remain. I'll see if there is a better way.

about Mark Downloaded Works It seems that the work ID is recorded internally when it is saved (in EX


I don't know if this is a difficult mechanism, but it would at least be better than following a trail of local files.

Whether to implement it is not a problem, as long as you consider it sometime in the future. I will continue to be a fan of this tool.