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Daily Hacker News 02-07-2024 #1395

Open xueyuanl opened 1 week ago

xueyuanl commented 1 week ago

Daily Hacker News

  1. Mako – fast, production-grade web bundler based on Rust makojs.dev comments
  2. Booting Linux Off of Google Drive ersei.net comments
  3. Diff-pdf: tool to visually compare two PDFs github.com comments
  4. Getting the World Record in Hatetris (2022) hallofdreams.org comments
  5. Paper Trails aeon.co comments
  6. Did Turing prove the undecidability of the halting problem? arxiv.org comments
  7. Ask HN: Who is hiring? (July 2024) comments
  8. Reflection for C++26 isocpp.org comments
  9. Show HN: Doggo – A powerful, human-friendly DNS client for the command line doggo.mrkaran.dev comments
  10. An unexpected journey into Microsoft Defender's signature World retooling.io comments
  11. Pattern of brain damage is pervasive in Navy SEALs who died by suicide www.nytimes.com comments
  12. A proof of proof by infinite descent relatedwork.blogspot.com comments
  13. My Python code is a neural network blog.gabornyeki.com comments
  14. Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (July 2024) comments
  15. Spending too much time optimizing for loops octavelarose.github.io comments
  16. When RAND made magic in Santa Monica asteriskmag.com comments
  17. Conway's Game of Life for curved surfaces (2012) 0fps.net comments
  18. Weavers and Concluders: Two communication styles (2021) neuroclastic.com comments
  19. The cutest monopoly: Koala Kare thehustle.co comments
  20. A better merge workflow with Jujutsu ofcr.se comments
  21. Pumped-storage hydroelectricity en.wikipedia.org comments
  22. Show HN: ViperIDE – MicroPython IDE for web and mobile github.com comments
  23. Show HN: Edna, note taking app for developers edna.arslexis.io comments
  24. Working Title (Insurance) www.bitsaboutmoney.com comments
  25. Show HN: I created an After Effects alternative pikimov.com comments