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Daily Hacker News 04-07-2024 #1397

Open xueyuanl opened 1 week ago

xueyuanl commented 1 week ago

Daily Hacker News

  1. Building a data compression utility in Haskell using Huffman codes lazamar.github.io comments
  2. Should this be a map or 500 maps? escapethealgorithm.substack.com comments
  3. Shipt's Algorithm Squeezed Gig Workers. They Fought Back spectrum.ieee.org comments
  4. Sans-IO: The secret to effective Rust for network services www.firezone.dev comments
  5. Show HN: Xcapture-BPF – like Linux top, but with Xray vision 0x.tools comments
  6. Beating NumPy matrix multiplication in 150 lines of C salykova.github.io comments
  7. Show HN: I made a split keyboard for large palms www.jogmekeebs.com comments
  8. The Joy of Reading Books You Don't Understand reactormag.com comments
  9. Diffusion Forcing: Next-Token Prediction Meets Full-Sequence Diffusion boyuan.space comments
  10. Well-known paradox of R-squared is still buggin me statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu comments
  11. Finding near-duplicates with Jaccard similarity and MinHash blog.nelhage.com comments
  12. The Origins of DS_store (2006) www.arno.org comments
  13. GPU profiling for WebGPU workloads on Windows with Chrome frguthmann.github.io comments
  14. A practical introduction to constraint programming using CP-SAT and Python pganalyze.com comments
  15. The Sphere mssv.net comments
  16. Stonehenge Archer en.wikipedia.org comments
  17. The History of Machine Learning in Trackmania hallofdreams.org comments
  18. The Cheapest NAS sigwait.org comments
  19. Engine Sound Simulator markeasting.github.io comments
  20. Architectural cross-section of Kowloon Walled City cohost.org comments
  21. Diving into deep learning: Understanding Deep Learning book review [pdf] github.com comments
  22. Making a Linux-managed network switch blog.brixit.nl comments
  23. Do not taunt happy fun branch predictor (2023) www.mattkeeter.com comments
  24. Introduction to Program Synthesis people.csail.mit.edu comments
  25. Man-Computer Symbiosis (1960) groups.csail.mit.edu comments