xueyuanl / daily-hackernews

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Daily Hacker News 08-07-2021 #309

Open xueyuanl opened 3 years ago

xueyuanl commented 3 years ago

Daily Hacker News

  1. Apple camera design from iPhone 6S Plus to the 12 Pro Max (SAMPLE) [pdf] www.systemplus.fr comments
  2. BGP in a Nutshell www.bodunhu.com comments
  3. Difftastic: Syntax-aware structured diff tool github.com comments
  4. Show HN: A simple lazy Python Calculation Engine (with spreadsheet demo) github.com comments
  5. Sub-zero water splitting marks a new dawn for solar hydrogen production www.chemistryworld.com comments
  6. A call to minimize distraction and respect users’ attention (2013) www.minimizedistraction.com comments
  7. Understanding REvil: The Ransomware Gang Behind the Kaseya Attack unit42.paloaltonetworks.com comments
  8. PfSense CE 2.5.2 Released www.servethehome.com comments
  9. People may one day drill for copper as they now drill for oil www.economist.com comments
  10. Infracost (YC W21) is hiring – Love Your Cloud Bill (full stack, remote) www.ycombinator.com comments
  11. Runway – Create impossible video runwayml.com comments
  12. TCP Fast Open? Not so fast blog.apnic.net comments
  13. Let's build a simple interpreter for APL, part 2 (2020) mathspp.com comments
  14. China’s gene giant harvests data from millions of women worldwide www.reuters.com comments
  15. Manual for a popular facial recognition tool shows how much the software tracks themarkup.org comments
  16. I learned that stadiums can have different ads depending on channel and country www.linkedin.com comments
  17. Networking I/O with Virtual Threads – Under the hood inside.java comments
  18. Sri Lanka’s ancient, almost lost martial art www.atlasobscura.com comments
  19. JSPatcher, a web-based visual editor to build JavaScript and WebAudio apps webaudioconf2021.com comments
  20. Corona Game: A simulation of how Covid-19 spreads koronahra.cz comments
  21. The cost of the “new way to message on instagram” (2020) www.eff.org comments
  22. Reverse Engineer the BL602 WiFi Driver lupyuen.github.io comments
  23. The first on-orbit fuel depot has been deployed orbitalindex.com comments
  24. Not school or homeschool, but modular learning manisharoses.medium.com comments
  25. The James Webb Space Telescope has passed the final mission analysis review www.asc-csa.gc.ca comments
Teradeewana commented 3 years ago

I need termux command