xuhuisheng / rocm-gfx803

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Is it me or we got no image textures? #36

Open AoriOjin opened 5 months ago

AoriOjin commented 5 months ago

Hi! First of all, thank you a load of a lot for making this project! You were a saviour of a gpu right here.

So everything seems to be working except when I add image textures to my shaders. Was it something I did wrong when installing rocm/blender or is this a known issue? Blender just crashes when I try to run Cycles with any image attached to the file, no matter how big or small.

Maybe the terminal output can help? Here it is anyway:

$ ./blender
Read prefs: /home/aori/.config/blender/3.4/config/userpref.blend
[ALSOFT] (EE) Failed to set real-time priority for thread: Operation not permitted (1)
[ALSOFT] (EE) Failed to set real-time priority for thread: Operation not permitted (1)
Reloading external rigs...
Reloading external metarigs...
Pillow is not installed, therefore:
- BIP images load without scaling.
- Other images load slowly (Blender standard).
Pillow is not installed, therefore:
- BIP images load without scaling.
- Other images load slowly (Blender standard).
Pillow is not installed, therefore:
- BIP images load without scaling.
- Other images load slowly (Blender standard).
Unhandled SIGBUS caught
Aborted (core dumped)

Thanks for the response, Aori.