xuijs / xui

A tiny javascript framework for mobile web apps.
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Negative left value breaks tween #20

Closed WildFoxMedia closed 12 years ago

WildFoxMedia commented 13 years ago

The following line breaks XUI

x$('#' + currentPage).tween({ left: (-(pageWidth)) + 'px' });

The error:

TypeError: Result of expression '(i+(o-i)*l).toFixed' [undefined] is not a function.

If I remove 'px' from there it doesn't throw an error, but it also doesn't do anything.

filmaj commented 13 years ago

Looks like this one is an issue with the underlying animation framework called Emile. I'll pull down that code base and see if I can reproduce the error and possibly submit a patch.

filmaj commented 13 years ago

I added a test for this in 7efb1859e4c51bd399c6897fc02d22487e780d26

I don't see a problem in Chrome 9.0.597.102 for Mac, or Firefox 3.6.13. Where are you seeing this issue?