xumi1993 / seispy

Python module of seismology and receiver functions
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Matching problem in rf.cfg configuration file #45

Closed EasonLIU1111 closed 2 years ago

EasonLIU1111 commented 2 years ago

Several earthquake events like those in the example folder were applied for in IRIS, but the earthquake events were not matched when the command was executed. Is this related to the header information of the applied earthquake events?

  1. The error content is as follows:
    2022-07-29 11:40:38,587 [RF] INFO: Load station info from ./NJ
    2022-07-29 11:40:38,609 [RF] INFO: Searching earthquakes from IRIS
    2022-07-29 11:40:43,914 [RF] INFO: 33 earthquakes are found
    2022-07-29 11:40:43,943 [RF] INFO: Match SAC files
    2022-07-29 11:40:43,987 [RF] ERROR: 
    2022-07-29 11:40:43,991 [RF] ERROR: 
    2022-07-29 11:40:43,994 [RF] ERROR:
    2022-07-29 11:40:43,997 [RF] ERROR: 
    2022-07-29 11:40:44,000 [RF] ERROR:
    2022-07-29 11:40:44,001 [RF] WARNING: No earthquakes matched, please check configurations.

    2.The following is my script for applying for earthquake events on IRIS

    import os
    import obspy
    import numpy as np
    from obspy import UTCDateTime
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    ##from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
    from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
    from obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader import RectangularDomain, \
    Restrictions, MassDownloader

client = Client('IRIS') time = UTCDateTime('2014-02-02T09:26:41') starttime = time + 00 endtime = starttime + 1000

net = 'CB' sta = 'NJ2' loc = '00' chan = 'BHZ' Format = "SAC"

st = client.get_waveforms(net,sta,loc,chan,starttime,endtime)#,attach_response = True) st.plot()

time_name = obspy.UTCDateTime.strftime(time, '%Y.%j.%H%M%S') dir_name = 'D:\EVENTS\NJ2\' if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name)

Filename_path = os.path.join(dir_name, net + '.' + sta + '.' + loc + '.' + chan + '.' + 'M' + '.' + time_name + '.' + 'SAC') st.write(filename=Filename_path, formate=Format) print("%s写入完成!" % Filename_path)

The data of Nanjing station applied with this script cannot match.The applied sac documents are CB.NJ2.00.BHZ.M.2014.001.160334.SAC, CB.NJ2.00.BHZ.M.2014.020.025250.SAC, CB.NJ2.00.BHZ.M.2014.021.012920.SAC, CB.NJ2.00.BHZ.M.2014.025.051422.SAC and CB.NJ2.00.BHZ.M.2014.033.092641.SAC respectively