There is error when go through step using RepeatMasker:
"Species 'human' is not known to RepeatMasker."
It looks like I didn't setup the reference database RepBase for RepeatMasker properly.
Therefore, I tried to setup RepeatMasker with reference database RepBase by following RepeatMakser INSTALL file. However, I found out we need to pay for downloading the database file Repbase-derived RepeatMasker libraries:
[RepBaseRepeatMaskerEdition-20181026.tar.gz] (53.48 MB) from
How did you setup the reference database (human) for RepeatMasker?
There is error when go through step using RepeatMasker: "Species 'human' is not known to RepeatMasker." It looks like I didn't setup the reference database RepBase for RepeatMasker properly.
Therefore, I tried to setup RepeatMasker with reference database RepBase by following RepeatMakser INSTALL file. However, I found out we need to pay for downloading the database file Repbase-derived RepeatMasker libraries: [RepBaseRepeatMaskerEdition-20181026.tar.gz] (53.48 MB) from
How did you setup the reference database (human) for RepeatMasker?