xunchen85 / VIcaller

A software to detect virome-wide integrations
14 stars 5 forks source link

where to download #6

Closed stsaih closed 4 years ago

stsaih commented 4 years ago


We would like to try VIcaller. However, there is no virus files for download from website "www.uvm.edu/genomics/software/VIcaller.html"

This is the statement from page 4 of the VIcaller User Manual : "Obtain and index the virome-wide library using BWA, Bowtie2, and BLAST+ separately: a) Download the virus_db_090217.fa, virus_db_090217.taxonomy, virus_db_090217.virus_list and Vector.fa files from the website: www.uvm.edu/genomics/software/VIcaller.html"

Could you let us know where to download those ?

Thanks, Sharon

xunchen85 commented 4 years ago

Hi Sharon,

Due to the size limitation, we cannot keep our full version of VIcaller including the virome-wide database on github. To get the library, you can download the VIcaller Version 1.1 from the link www.uvm.edu/genomics/software/VIcaller.html. Then you will find the virome-wide library under the Database/ folder.

PS: I would suggest you using the scripts on github which is well maintained.

Let me know if you still cannot get it.

Best, Xun

stsaih commented 4 years ago

Hi Xun,

Our IT followed your instruction to download the VIcaller Version 1.1 from the link above and found the virome-wide library. Thank you very much!

Best, Sharon