xunit / devices.xunit

xUnit.net Runners for Devices
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Test Automation #79

Open dansiegel opened 5 years ago

dansiegel commented 5 years ago


Device Test Automation is still a major pain point for the entire community. It would be fantastic to have a dotnet tool that could be installed and run that can install an IPA/APK to a simulator and establish communication with an included Writer so that test results can be captured for VS/Azure DevOps/etc...

RLittlesII commented 5 years ago

@onovotny @dansiegel I was wondering if there is any traction on this? A proposed approach even? I agree this is a community problem that if we can solve, would be huge. I saw a video of James Montemagno sending in url's to a running iPhone app the other day. That has to be a step in the right direction.

dansiegel commented 5 years ago

I wish it was something I could take on right now but I have less than no time. I might point to the Xamarin.Essentials repo though as from what I understand they've automated their tests with device runners and the public hosted agents. It's really a matter of taking all of the script magic they're using and packaging it up to make it easy to reproduce for the entire community... then maybe get someone like @gotheap to help make it easy in the VS Test Explorer

pellet commented 4 years ago

I've been automating tests for iOS/android using a cake frosting add-on I wrote here: https://github.com/pellet/Cake.DevicesXunitTestReceiver . It writes the test results via tcp back to the cake job. It was just something to get me by until better tools came along with detailed reports. A VS/Rider Test explorer would be amazing for getting work done.

LDan1117 commented 3 years ago


Has anyone been able to configure test runs on Azure DevOps Mac agents for Xamarin.iOS projects? Is using a cake script the only feasible option for now?