xuwupeng2000 / capistrano-scm-gitcopy

Capsitrano 3 copy scm - tar your git branch and deploy to your server
MIT License
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Doesn't work without remote #46

Open cbrunnkvist opened 7 years ago

cbrunnkvist commented 7 years ago

If I don't have any remote specified or if I do but simply can't access it, the deploy won't make it past the git ls-remote check method.

I tried adding a placeholder remote pointing to ${source directory}/.git/ which is valid from the git perspective, but it doesn't feel right and it includes everything in my working copy so I'd need a way to exclude stuff.

thbar commented 7 years ago

@cbrunnkvist did you fin a clean-way to address this? Thanks!

vonKingsley commented 7 years ago

I think this is due to the new way Capistrano loads the SCM plugins. commenting out the following lines in Capfile helped me

# require "capistrano/scm/git"
# install_plugin Capistrano::SCM::Git

I also had to add

set :local_path, "/absolute_path/to/.git/"
xuwupeng2000 commented 7 years ago

💯 Wow pro tip. Thanks buddy.