xuxw98 / ESAM

EmbodiedSAM: Online Segment Any 3D Thing in Real Time
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Can this code train the s3dis dataset? How can I make my own dataset? #1

Closed Lizhinwafu closed 3 weeks ago

Lizhinwafu commented 3 weeks ago

Can this code train the s3dis dataset? How can I make my own dataset?

xuxw98 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your interest!

EmbodiedSAM is an online segmentation model, which requires the raw sensor input, i.e., the posed RGB-D video. However, S3DIS seems to only provide complete point clouds after 3D reconstruction, which is an offline dataset.

To run EmbodiedSAM, you should prepare a posed RGB-D sequence with: RGB frames, Depth frames, poses and camera intrinsics. You can follow our data preparation for ScanNet to organize your own data.

Lizhinwafu commented 3 weeks ago
