xuzhengyi1995 / Manga_downloader

A Manga download framework using selenium.
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[Request] https://ebook.tongli.com.tw/serials #102

Closed FlotingDream closed 2 years ago

FlotingDream commented 2 years ago

In "https://ebook.tongli.com.tw/serials" can read several free chapter (updating).

The new chromium based way, can get the "f0001ba" like files in "\bw-downloader-profile\Default\Cache\Cache_Data" And after add '.jpg' ext. It is readable "1128*1600" jpg images. However, the page order is wrong.

by the way in F12-console-networks-Fetch/XHR the temporary url like "https://tongli-ebook-cdn.azureedge.net/comic/B616FEB9200E4598F3C208DA8013D2F6/10?sv=2020-08-04&sr=b&st=2022-08-19T05:04:11Z&se=2022-08-19T05:09:41Z&sp=r&spr=https&rsct=binary&sig=Vc16PPaFt2vT7XlRTZdawjlmXxV4sud2xbzEJ1LIDuc%3d"


the "10?" in the url give the page number 10. the "15?" in the url give the page number 15.

Request for the support for 'https://ebook.tongli.com.tw/serials'

Thx! :)

xuzhengyi1995 commented 2 years ago

This is much easier than get image from canvas, we could do something here, check the resource URL and save it to disk.

Will implement this and update a new version.

xuzhengyi1995 commented 2 years ago

Finished, will upload in the release shortly, use method is same as BW. image