xuzhengyi1995 / Manga_downloader

A Manga download framework using selenium.
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Not working with all mangas on Bookwalker #105

Open Andrezimav opened 1 year ago

Andrezimav commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have just discovered the tool, and it is amazing, but for some reason it only worked with one of the titles I own on Bookwalker. Every other title is not working. I own 28 titles. Have anyone experienced issues like this, or do I have to do something else for it to work with these titles?

It does work with this title: https://bookwalker.jp/de1a6603cc-3158-4ce2-8060-267357322578/

It doesn't work with this one, for exemple: https://bookwalker.jp/de3aa928be-85ee-45e2-a141-223c5be9f3e6/

It doesn't work with any other title from the same collection. Not sure if they are displayed differently and it messes up with the coding on the tool. I would appreciate if anyone could check it out. Thank you very much!