xuzhengyi1995 / Manga_downloader

A Manga download framework using selenium.
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Question about script for moving pages #115

Open mike18400 opened 1 year ago

mike18400 commented 1 year ago

How can one modify the script: window.i=0;setInterval(()=>{NFBR.a6G.Initializer.views_.menu.options.a6l.moveToPage(window.i);console.log(window.i);window.i++;},3000) so that is responds only to moving the pages manually?

xuzhengyi1995 commented 1 year ago

You can move the page manually and do not use this script, this script is only to be used for moving the page, not related to download the images.

Truenntaya commented 1 year ago

Main issue is what part of the code needs to be omitted? I've tried omitting the obvious bits but it doesn't work without the whole command. And it doesn't save on a page turn, what part of the command do you use to capture a page as you turn it instead of turning it automatically?

Truenntaya commented 1 year ago

Actually I just figured it out, someone pipe in if it's wrong but instead of the full command just omit everything involving i or page turning to get this bare command
