xuzhengyi1995 / Manga_downloader

A Manga download framework using selenium.
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Custom browser source code / documentation #64

Open soleera opened 2 years ago

soleera commented 2 years ago

Would you be able to upload the source code & documentation for the modifications you made to the included chromium browser? The security risks of using a browser with undocumented and unverifiable modifications (and without a sandbox!) are a bit too large to ignore...

xuzhengyi1995 commented 2 years ago

It is great to always have security in mind! Nothing should be hidden, I will folk a chromium and put the modification there in the future, I publish the bin file first just because most people will not try to build a chromium by themselves.

The modification is very simple, no longer than 100 lines of code, only modified some canvas code in Blink, save the image when DidDraw been called and save it to disk when frame finalization. Not using a sand box just because it will be a little bit more mojo works to do if we send the image to browser process and save it, so I also suggested do not use it as a browser, only use it to download manga.

I haven't do any evil thing, you will believe me when you see the code :)