xuzhengyi1995 / Manga_downloader

A Manga download framework using selenium.
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New Method Slight Issue #66

Open rikudou7 opened 2 years ago

rikudou7 commented 2 years ago

The new method works great. However, I encountered one small issue. The pages in the export folder are out of order. The first few pages will be in order, but for some reason, after a few pages, the order seems to mess up. Do you know anything about that?

In the meantime, I will try again because there could have been something that I did wrong.

rikudou7 commented 2 years ago

Edit: It seems that the reason it got the wrong order before was because I hadn't marked the book as unread and didn't reduce the window size before. I got it working now.

4651AGSI commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem, I put it in unread and made the screen smaller, but I still get disordered and it takes a while to save the images and I have a good internet

4651AGSI commented 2 years ago

manga are downloaded normally to some extent and light novels in disarray. There is a possibility to get the .xhtml instead of the .png in light novels

xuzhengyi1995 commented 2 years ago

manga are downloaded normally to some extent and light novels in disarray. There is a possibility to get the .xhtml instead of the .png in light novels

I have tried some novels but it seems ok, have you make the browser window only display one page? For BW the novels are images, so we can not make it as xhtml.

4651AGSI commented 2 years ago

If I put the browser window smaller to show a page, the novels download the title page as 1.png the toc page as 2.png and the next one is any random page.

xuzhengyi1995 commented 2 years ago

This is a little bit strange, I will check it again.