xviniette / FlappyLearning

Program learning to play Flappy Bird by machine learning (Neuroevolution)
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What is perception structure? #25

Closed GospodinNoob closed 7 years ago

GospodinNoob commented 7 years ago

What is perception structure? How it works? What are these paramentres doing?

xviniette commented 7 years ago

The perceptron is a type of neural network structure.

https://appliedgo.net/perceptron/ this website explain pretty well.

network:[1 (a), [1] (b), 1 (c)] a : Number of neurons in the input layer b : Array of number of neurons for each hidden layer c : Number of neurons on the output layer

GospodinNoob commented 7 years ago

So, if i want to set in network 6 paramenters: a = 6 (for best result), and if i want to get a number: c = 1? And the neurons array looks like [6]? or not less then 6? Is it correct?

xviniette commented 7 years ago

The number of neurons on hidden layer will define the adaptability of your network. In general, (input + output)/2 is a good solution. 3 in your case.

GospodinNoob commented 7 years ago

Greate thanks!