As Meal App, I want to store samples of diet introductions of dietitians, so that those can be later used to generate new diet introductions using ChatGPT
title Container diagram for User Story: Store diet introductions
Container_Boundary(c0, "AI Nutrition-Pro") {
Container(api_gateway, "API Gateway", "Kong", "Authentication of clients, filtering of input, rate limiting")
Container(backend_api, "API Application", "Golang, AWS Elastic Container Service", "Provides AI Nutrition-Pro functionality via API")
ContainerDb(api_db, "API database", "Amazon RDS", "Stores dietitian' content samples, request and responses to LLM.")
System_Ext(mealApp, "Meal Planner", "Application to create diets by dietitians")
Rel(mealApp, api_gateway, "Stores dietitians' samples of diet introductions", "HTTPS/REST")
Rel(api_gateway, backend_api, "Proxy from Meal Planner: Stores dietitians sample of diet introductions", "HTTPS/REST")
Rel(backend_api, api_db, "Write sample of diet introductions to RDS instance", "TLS")
New API to implement:
POST /api/v1/storeContent
"type": "introduction",
"dietitian-uuid": "3beddddb-d8f2-41a3-8b6e-38bf2a39a56c",
"client-uuid": "47dba491-8a34-4bca-934b-b32532de975b",
"content": [
"Hi Mark. I created this diet for you. Hope you will love it :)",
"Hi Joanna! Hope you are well. This 3 days diet will help you get started :)"
type - REQUIRED, string - type of content. For now only one possible value: introduction
dietitian-uuid - REQUIRED, uuid - id of dietitian already registered in AI Nutrition-Pro
client-uuid - REQUIRED, uuid - id of client application, that is Meal App, generated at onboarding
content - REQUIRED, NOT-EMPTY, list of strings - list of samples to store
Positive response:
201 - Created
"samples-uuid": "f0511554-0328-4222-a911-a57de6b7f100"
Error response:
If dietitian is not found using uuid provided in request:
400 - Bad request
"error": "Cannot find dietitian of uuid: 3beddddb-d8f2-41a3-8b6e-38bf2a39a56c"
Samples will be stored in API Database, which is AWS RDS instance. In table called SAMPLES.
SAMPLES table will have following columns:
uuid - uuid of samples, PRIMARY KEY
client-uuid - id of client application, that is Meal App, generated at onboarding, NOT EMPTY
type - type of content. For now only one possible value: introduction, VARCHAR, NOT EMPTY
dietitian-uuid - id of dietitian already registered in AI Nutrition-Pro, NOT EMPTY
content - serialized JSON string, TEXT, NOT EMPTY
Here is detailed breakdown of this story into tasks:
update Swagger API description file with new API
implement API in API Application
create new table in API Database and update IAM policy used by API Application for access control of it
update API definition (allow new API usage) in API Gateway
Store diet introductions
As Meal App, I want to store samples of diet introductions of dietitians, so that those can be later used to generate new diet introductions using ChatGPT
New API to implement:
- REQUIRED, string - type of content. For now only one possible value:introduction
- REQUIRED, uuid - id of dietitian already registered in AI Nutrition-Proclient-uuid
- REQUIRED, uuid - id of client application, that is Meal App, generated at onboardingcontent
- REQUIRED, NOT-EMPTY, list of strings - list of samples to storeResponse
Positive response:
Error response:
If dietitian is not found using uuid provided in request:
Samples will be stored in API Database, which is AWS RDS instance. In table called SAMPLES.
SAMPLES table will have following columns:
- uuid of samples, PRIMARY KEYclient-uuid
- id of client application, that is Meal App, generated at onboarding, NOT EMPTYtype
- type of content. For now only one possible value:introduction
, VARCHAR, NOT EMPTYdietitian-uuid
- id of dietitian already registered in AI Nutrition-Pro, NOT EMPTYcontent
- serialized JSON string, TEXT, NOT EMPTYTasks
Here is detailed breakdown of this story into tasks: