Here's a handy bat that checks the games.txt against the contents of the Games folder.
Save to Compiler\bin.
Checks every folder contained in games.txt if a prom file exists
Ignores entries starting with #
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "allExist=true"
for /F "delims=" %%a in (games.txt) do (
set "folderName=%%a"
if "!folderName:~0,1!" NEQ "#" (
if not exist "..\Games\%%a\prom" (
echo Missing files or folder: %%a
set "allExist=false"
if "%allExist%"=="true" (
echo All folders contained in games.txt exist in the Games folder!
REM run this bat from VTXCart-main / Compiler / bin
Here's a handy bat that checks the games.txt against the contents of the Games folder. Save to