xvrh / lottie-flutter

Render After Effects animations natively on Flutter. This package is a pure Dart implementation of a Lottie player.
MIT License
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Fill color animation not working #244

Closed fusion44 closed 1 year ago

fusion44 commented 1 year ago


I have this simple test animation, which is just a circle changing its color from blue to red and back. The animation is displayed correctly in any online lottie previewer I've tried. Lotti for Flutter doesn't display the color animation. Any transforms other than Color seem to work though. The animation is created using Synfig which is an open source 2D animation application.

I'm not sure whether this is a Synfig or lottie-flutter incompatibility, but since the file works in online Lottie previewers, I tend to think it might be a lottie-flutter issue.

simple_circle_color_change.json { "w": 480, "h": 270, "nm": "circle_color_change.sifz", "ddd": 0, "v": "5.3.4", "fr": 24.0, "assets": [], "markers": [], "ip": 0.0, "op": 25.0, "layers": [ { "ddd": 0, "ind": 0, "ty": 1, "nm": "Circle003", "sr": 1, "ks": { "o": { "k": 100, "ix": 1, "a": 0 }, "r": { "k": 0, "ix": 2, "a": 0 }, "p": { "k": [240.0, 135.0], "ix": 0, "a": 0 }, "a": { "k": [240.0, 135.0], "ix": 3, "a": 0 }, "s": { "k": [100, 100, 100], "ix": 4, "a": 0 }, "sk": { "k": 0, "ix": 5, "a": 0 }, "sa": { "k": 0, "ix": 6, "a": 0 } }, "ef": [ { "ty": 21, "nm": "Fill", "ix": 0, "ef": [ { "ty": 10, "nm": "Fill Mask", "ix": 0, "v": { "k": 0, "ix": 0, "a": 0 } }, { "ty": 7, "nm": "All Masks", "ix": 1, "v": { "k": 0, "ix": 0, "a": 0 } }, { "ty": 2, "nm": "Color", "ix": 2, "v": { "ix": 0, "a": 1, "k": [ { "t": 0, "s": [0.066, 0.233, 1.0, 1.0], "e": [1.0, 0.066, 0.161, 1.0], "i": { "x": [0.167], "y": [0.167] }, "o": { "x": [0.167], "y": [0.167] } }, { "t": 12, "s": [1.0, 0.066, 0.161, 1.0], "e": [0.066, 0.233, 1.0, 1.0], "i": { "x": [0.167], "y": [0.167] }, "o": { "x": [0.167], "y": [0.167] } }, { "t": 24 } ] } }, { "ty": 7, "nm": "Invert", "ix": 3, "v": { "k": 0, "ix": 0, "a": 0 } }, { "ty": 0, "nm": "Horizontal Feather", "ix": 4, "v": { "k": 0, "ix": 0, "a": 0 } }, { "ty": 0, "nm": "Vertical Feather", "ix": 5, "v": { "k": 0, "ix": 0, "a": 0 } }, { "ty": 0, "nm": "Opacity", "ix": 6, "v": { "ix": 0, "a": 1, "k": [ { "t": 0, "s": [1.0], "e": [1.0], "h": 1 }, { "t": 1, "h": 1, "s": [1.0] } ] } } ] } ], "ao": 0, "sw": 480, "sh": 270, "sc": "#ff0000", "ip": 0.0, "op": 25.0, "st": 0, "bm": 0, "hasMask": true, "masksProperties": [ { "inv": false, "mode": "a", "pt": { "ix": 0, "a": 1, "k": [ { "i": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 }, "o": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 }, "t": 0, "s": [ { "i": [ [0, 0], [5.584, 5.61], [7.905, -0.02], [5.555, -5.604], [-0.016, -7.903], [-5.601, -5.556], [-7.903, 0.016], [-5.556, 5.601], [0.016, 7.903] ], "o": [ [-0.001, -7.903], [-5.616, -5.59], [-7.919, 0.02], [-5.549, 5.603], [0.007, 7.88], [5.566, 5.564], [7.88, -0.007], [5.564, -5.566], [0, 0] ], "v": [ [239.465, 128.273], [231.088, 108.003], [210.807, 99.648], [190.597, 108.084], [182.298, 128.343], [190.711, 148.497], [210.914, 156.819], [231.068, 148.406], [239.39, 128.203] ], "c": true } ], "e": [ { "i": [ [0, 0], [5.584, 5.61], [7.905, -0.02], [5.555, -5.604], [-0.016, -7.903], [-5.601, -5.556], [-7.903, 0.016], [-5.556, 5.601], [0.016, 7.903] ], "o": [ [-0.001, -7.903], [-5.616, -5.59], [-7.919, 0.02], [-5.549, 5.603], [0.007, 7.88], [5.566, 5.564], [7.88, -0.007], [5.564, -5.566], [0, 0] ], "v": [ [239.465, 128.273], [231.088, 108.003], [210.807, 99.648], [190.597, 108.084], [182.298, 128.343], [190.711, 148.497], [210.914, 156.819], [231.068, 148.406], [239.39, 128.203] ], "c": true } ] }, { "t": 1 } ] }, "o": { "k": 100, "ix": 1, "a": 0 }, "x": { "k": 0, "ix": 2, "a": 0 }, "nm": "Mask 1" } ] } ] }

Readable: https://gist.github.com/fusion44/23e6cd86075109b8d5be93bba1c75954

xvrh commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for the report.

Did you also try with a Lottie Android previewer?

fusion44 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the quick response!

Sorry, I didn't before, but tried right now. Result was that it doesn't work either. So, it probably is an exporter problem and the web viewers are more forgiving?

fusion44 commented 1 year ago

I've found this alternative Synfig converter which does work as expected:
