xw-hu / DSC

CVPR 2018 (Oral) & TPAMI 2019
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NO model named DSC_iter_160000_lab.caffemodel is found #10

Closed LR32768 closed 5 years ago

LR32768 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I am interested in your work about shadow removing and I have an issue. In the file examples/DSC/test_removal.m, there is an assertion for the existence of the file 'snapshot/DSC_iter_160000_lab.caffemodel'. I guess it is the model trained by your lab to remove the shadow, however I can't find it anywhere or find any access to it in your description file README.md, so could you please tell where can I find it? Thanks a lot

xw-hu commented 5 years ago

"lab" means we trained the model in LAB color space. You can follow the paper to train the model by yourself.