xw-hu / SINet

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS), 2019
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Question on the difference between CAROIPooling and CAROIPooling2 #3

Closed e2sh83 closed 6 years ago

e2sh83 commented 6 years ago

Hi xw-hu,

First, I am wondering where you utilize CAROIPooling2 layer in your source code. Second, CAROIPooling2 seems to have function of both CAROIPooling and ROIFeatureSplit. Do I correctly understand?

xw-hu commented 6 years ago

Yes. You are correct. We use CAROIPooling2 in the old version. Now, we only use the CAROIPooling and ROIFeatureSplit, since they are easy to be extended to multiple branches.

e2sh83 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for answer. Another question which is not related to the title of this thread is... have you tried to apply your algorithm onto the other classes like pedestrian?

xw-hu commented 6 years ago

No. I think it will also give a relative good result for pedestrian by adjusting some parameters (e.g., the size of anchor). You can try it.

e2sh83 commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot.