Thank you for your code, I am trying to re-produce MAP results of TransE model using NELL-995 for relation as the paper presented but not using pretrained embeddings such as task/relation/entity2vec.vec. I wonder how you generated supporting triples for your train.txt dataset which are all necessary triples used for training task/relation/train_pos.txt. I assume you didn't use only task/relation/train_pos.txt for training.
Thank you for your code, I am trying to re-produce MAP results of TransE model using NELL-995 for relation as the paper presented but not using pretrained embeddings such as task/relation/entity2vec.vec. I wonder how you generated supporting triples for your train.txt dataset which are all necessary triples used for training task/relation/train_pos.txt. I assume you didn't use only task/relation/train_pos.txt for training. Thanks