General Tab:
This is the part that needed most change, as a good chunk of the screen was left unused. This maximizes screen usage and makes play/step/chart data a bit tidier.
Rearrange the screen in three sections: Rating/BPM/Length, Best play and Step data.
Move rate next to BPM
Add overall score of best play in the best play section
Move "NegBpms!" down with step data
Move CDTitle right below the difficulty list
Chord cohesion text placement may need to be moved as well
Overall score may fall unneeded
Score tab:
Add SSR breakdown in Score tab next to judgments
Add a General tab-specific rate display (does not display the "Music" part)
General Tab: This is the part that needed most change, as a good chunk of the screen was left unused. This maximizes screen usage and makes play/step/chart data a bit tidier.
Score tab: