Closed slauriere closed 4 years ago
Environment: Diagram Pro 1.12, XWiki Standard 10.11.9, Firefox 71
The link does not open while one would expect it does. The other parts of the sentence remain clickable.
Here's below the XML of a sample diagram producing the error.
<mxGraphModel dx="686" dy="497" grid="1" gridSize="10" guides="1" tooltips="1" connect="1" arrows="1" fold="1" page="1" pageScale="1" pageWidth="827" pageHeight="1169" math="0" shadow="0"> <root> <mxCell id="v0DjpAL3hPdHT3A4eaxT-0"/> <mxCell id="v0DjpAL3hPdHT3A4eaxT-1" parent="v0DjpAL3hPdHT3A4eaxT-0"/> <mxCell id="IT_YH68JLBqi0NF2uO0P-2" value="<a href="data:xwiki/reference,doc:xwiki:Sandbox.WebHome">Lorem ipsum dolor <b>sic</b> amor</a>" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;" parent="v0DjpAL3hPdHT3A4eaxT-1" vertex="1"> <mxGeometry x="190" y="160" width="120" height="60" as="geometry"/> </mxCell> </root> </mxGraphModel>
Steps to reproduce
Environment: Diagram Pro 1.12, XWiki Standard 10.11.9, Firefox 71
The link does not open while one would expect it does. The other parts of the sentence remain clickable.
Sample diagram
Here's below the XML of a sample diagram producing the error.