xwikisas / application-forum

Forum Application (Pro)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Forum title doesn't respect the naming strategy set at wiki level #102

Open ane-gabriela opened 3 years ago

ane-gabriela commented 3 years ago

Preconditions: Set up the [[Preformatted Names Strategy>>https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Name%20Strategies%20Module/#HPreformattedNamesStrategy]] first:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click on Forums from the Applications Panel
  2. Click on Add forum
  3. Entry the name for the forum which includes some accents, spaces and special characters in its name (e.g. Té£ / stΦéd - There are 5 French accents: the cédille Ç, the accent aigu é, the accent circonflexe â, ê, î, ô, û, the accent grave à, è, ù and the accent tréma ë, ï, ü. The umlaut (ä, ë, ï, ö, ü) is the only accent used in German writing.)
  4. Add a description for the forum
  5. Click on Save & View

Expected result: The forum is created and the accents, spaces and special characters are updated in the URL accordingly to the naming strategy.

Actual result: The forum is created but the name is not transformed in the URL. "http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Forums/T%C3%A9%C2%A3%20%20%2F%20st%CE%A6%C3%A9d%20-%20There%20are%205%20French%20accents%3A%20the%20c%C3%A9dille%20%C3%87%2C%20the%20accent%20aigu%20%C3%A9%2C%20the%20accent%20circonflexe%20%C3%A2%2C%20%C3%AA%2C%20%C3%AE%2C%20%C3%B4%2C%20%C3%BB%2C%20the%20accent%20grave%20%C3%A0%2C%20%C3%A8%2C%20%C3%B9%20and%20the%20accent%20tr%C3%A9ma%20%C3%AB%2C%20%C3%AF%2C%20%C3%BC.%20The%20umlaut%20%28%C3%A4%2C%20%C3%AB%2C%20%C3%AF%2C%20%C3%B6%2C%20%C3%BC%29%20is%20the%20only%20accent%20used%20in%20German%20writing/"


Environment: Windows 10, XWiki 12.6.2 with MySQL 8.0 and IE 11, Forum Application (Pro) 2.7.3

ane-gabriela commented 11 months ago

Issue reproducing on XWiki 14.10.18 with Forum Application (Pro) 2.9, Chrome 118

ndascalita commented 9 months ago

Bug reproduced on XWiki 14.10.20 with Forum Application Pro 2.9.1

ane-gabriela commented 7 months ago

Issue reproducing on XWiki 15.10.6 with Forum Application (Pro) 2.9.1, Chrome 121

ane-gabriela commented 2 months ago

Issue reproducing on Cloud XWiki 15.10.8 with Forum Application (Pro) 2.9.2, Chrome 126