xwikisas / application-forum

Forum Application (Pro)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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The Ratings application installed as dependency should be disabled by default #104

Open ilieandriuta opened 3 years ago

ilieandriuta commented 3 years ago

Environment: Windows 10 Pro 64bit, Firefox 83, using a local instance of XWiki 12.9 on Oracle 19c, Tomcat 9.0.40, Forum Pro 2.7.4


  1. Install Forum Application Pro
  2. Navigate through wiki pages


The Ratings application installed as dependency is disabled (voting is not displayed on pages by default).


The Ratings application is enabled by default.

This may require the user to disable them manually in Administration if it's not needed.

lucaa commented 3 years ago

This is related to how the ratings application changed for the 12.x LTS version of XWiki , due to the add of the "Like" feature in standard XWiki platform.

Thus, this issue raises a rather larger question of whether the votes on the forum (for which the forum needs the ratings dependency) should not be handled as "likes" rather than individual forum likes and integrated with the page likes.

ndascalita commented 9 months ago

Tested on XWiki 14.10.20 with Forum Application Pro 2.9.1 - ratings are indeed enabled out of the box