xwikisas / application-googleapps

Google Apps Integration
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Legacy People API needs to be activated #33

Closed oanat closed 4 years ago

oanat commented 4 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

Result: velocity error regarding the missing People API even after the API has been enabled


Expected result: the user is logged in and the profile is created without any error

polx commented 4 years ago

Why 2.4.1 and not 2.4.2 ? (I don't think it makes a difference).

I've just tested it with xwiki 11.8.1 with the APIs and indeed have the "Legacy People API" (private) activated by me. It seems that my account has this API activated as a result of update on the side of Google.

So I'll reformulate this issue as a documentation update.

It does not feel good to request to use a legacy API.

@oanat: can you please try to activate this API and test again in your settings?

polx commented 4 years ago

I've been trying with another project and activated the Google+, Drive, and People API and got the same error. While activating the APIs, I could not find the legacy API by a search method. This means that it is not something we can advise in the installation manual.

The help message indicates that the URL https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/legacypeople.googleapis.com/overview?project=xxx should be used. However that URL gives an error at Google. I've sent a feedback...

polx commented 4 years ago

So it seems that the legacy warning is bad one: no new installation will succeed.

The description is here: https://developers.google.com/people/legacy and it explains that this is a layer of compatibility that has been automatically activated for developers that already had activated the Google+ API. The good news: existing installations of an XWiki which have been somewhat active (based on traffic, no numbers mentioned) with the login function of the GoogleApps application will not break.

That page also states that: Note that you can't manually enable the Legacy People API for any new developer projects.: In this parlance (Web cloud APIs) a developer is a website, so any new XWiki installation is a new developer and will not be able to activate the legacy API necessay to run the GoogleApps application's login (and thus drive) functionality.

The recommendation is that the developers (so: First we, then the XWiki's administrators) should upgrade to new APIs such as the Google People API.

Thanks very much @oanat to have spotted that! The bug remains a blocker.

oanat commented 4 years ago

Why 2.4.1 and not 2.4.2 ? (I don't think it makes a difference).

I've just tested it with xwiki 11.8.1 with the APIs and indeed have the "Legacy People API" (private) activated by me. It seems that my account has this API activated as a result of update on the side of Google.

So I'll reformulate this issue as a documentation update.

It does not feel good to request to use a legacy API.

@oanat: can you please try to activate this API and test again in your settings?

As mentioned in the description, even after I tried to activate the API it still did not work.

polx commented 4 years ago

Hold on. Was it possible to activate it for you? (was it listed on the bottom of the Dashboard under the APIs list with a private note like by me) The error message says that the API is not activated.

oanat commented 4 years ago

Yes, I wad able to search inside the Library and enable it. But the error persists like the action did not propagate: PeopleAPIEnabled

polx commented 4 years ago

A first working java version is in this branch https://github.com/polx/application-googleapps/tree/peopleAPImigrate I'll be focussing to xwiki 9.

polx commented 4 years ago

PS: @oanat : that API (in the picture) is that of the new People API and not the legacy one. This is where we are migrating to.

polx commented 4 years ago

Thank you @oanat, this is now fixed in version 2.4.3.

I'll note that testing should be done from an account that has never had the legacy API of Google+ API activated. It is not enough to test it from an account that had it once working but create a new project.

oanat commented 4 years ago

@polx I confirm the error was fixed on my side after the upgrade to v2.4.3.

ane-gabriela commented 4 years ago

I have a case where I had the API's enabled but I didn't have much traffic which resulted in the log in with Google not being possible anymore.


This is something to mention in case there are clients that are also in this situation. The solution is the 2 steps process:

  1. Enable Google People API
  2. Upgrade to Google Apps Integration (Pro) 2.4.3
polx commented 4 years ago

I thus recommend to proceed as follows:

thanks Pauls