xwikisas / application-ideas

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Can't vote from the Livetable on the Ideas home page #21

Closed ane-gabriela closed 5 years ago

ane-gabriela commented 5 years ago

Preconditions: Some ideas are already created so they appear in the Ideas home page LiveTable.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log in as Admin or simple user
  2. Access the Ideas home page
  3. Click to vote Yes or No

Expected results: "The voting can be also done without accessing the idea page, directly from the livetable, clicking on yes/no field." https://store.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/IdeasApplication

Environment: Windows 10, XWiki 10.11.2 MySQL 5.7 and Edge 18 / Chrome 72 / Firefox 65, Ideas Application (Pro) 1.11.1

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