xwmx / nb

CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
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Add support for neorg file title? #265

Open breneser opened 10 months ago

breneser commented 10 months ago

Would it be possible to recognise title of neorg files ( orgmode alternative in vim ecosystem ).

Here is a link for neorg project.

The format is as follows:

title: index
created: 2023-08-25
updated: 2023-08-25
version: 1.1.1
xwmx commented 10 months ago

Hi @breneser, looks interesting. It should be possible to extract titles using the same approach as markdown front matter titles in _get_content(). It looks like there isn't yet an easy way to convert .norg files to HTML or other formats, so only titles would be supported.

breneser commented 9 months ago

It seems to have a module for export into markdown format. Can be seen https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg/wiki/Markdown-Export . Would that be any help? Not sure if it can be used as an external tool though.

breneser commented 9 months ago

There is also an open Pandoc issue where the format is being discussed. https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/7495