xwmx / nb

CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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"! Web browser not found. Try `w3m`: http://w3m.sourceforge.net" #297

Closed voxelv closed 5 months ago

voxelv commented 5 months ago

Whenever I try nb browse, I get the error:

! Web browser not found. Try w3m: http://w3m.sourceforge.net

I've tried for a few hours to install w3m on Windows without success. Compared to the other recommended dependencies, w3m seems to be much less Windows-friendly.

I read about browse Portability at https://github.com/xwmx/nb#browse-portability, but for me it seems I can't use nb browse without w3m.

Am I doing something wrong? Are there other options available?

xwmx commented 5 months ago

I don't currently have a Windows system to test on, so I'm going by memory. My understanding is that w3m doesn't work on WSL 1 (see #9), but lynx might work in that environment, and that w3m should work in WSL 2. I think you should be able to install w3m in WSL 2 with sudo apt install w3m (maybe after running sudo apt update). You should be able to confirm whether it's installed by running which w3m. The browser can also be set to w3m by adding the following line to ~/.nbrc: export NB_BROWSER="w3m". Let me know if any of this helps!

voxelv commented 5 months ago

Thanks for responding!

I'm not using WSL, but I found that w3m is available via MSYS2, and it works by itself there. When I try nb browse again, it doesn't work (there's just a blank page). This seems to be a different issue, so I'll open a new issue.

Edit: Moving to #112

voxelv commented 5 months ago

My solution was to install w3m via MSYS2.