xx-labs / xxstats

Integration of xx network in Polkastats web app
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

Backend: Use postgres transactions for queries to guarantee consistency between tables #9

Closed mariopino closed 1 year ago

mariopino commented 2 years ago

node-pg doc: https://node-postgres.com/features/transactions

Async/await example:

const { Pool } = require('pg')
const pool = new Pool()
;(async () => {
  // note: we don't try/catch this because if connecting throws an exception
  // we don't need to dispose of the client (it will be undefined)
  const client = await pool.connect()
  try {
    await client.query('BEGIN')
    const queryText = 'INSERT INTO users(name) VALUES($1) RETURNING id'
    const res = await client.query(queryText, ['brianc'])
    const insertPhotoText = 'INSERT INTO photos(user_id, photo_url) VALUES ($1, $2)'
    const insertPhotoValues = [res.rows[0].id, 's3.bucket.foo']
    await client.query(insertPhotoText, insertPhotoValues)
    await client.query('COMMIT')
  } catch (e) {
    await client.query('ROLLBACK')
    throw e
  } finally {
})().catch(e => console.error(e.stack))