xxgreg / mustache

Mustache template Dart library
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LambdaContext lookup should return null if no property #44

Open luaVolk opened 5 years ago

luaVolk commented 5 years ago

Let's say i have something like this


// app.dart

  'users': [
      'name': 'guy',
      'age': 18,
      'birthday': {'day': 15, 'month': 5},
      'name': 'gal',
      'age': 22,
  'isBirthday': (LambdaContext ctx) {
    Map birthday = ctx.lookup('birthday'); // Causes an error because it returns an empty Object on the second person

    if (birthday != null) {
}, req.response)


Wouldn't it make more sense to return null since that's what it actually is?

xxgreg commented 5 years ago

That makes sense. I guess this is a side effect of strict mode. I guess the workaround in the meantime is to catch the exception rather that using null.

I wonder if a good backwards compatible fix would be to add a 'tryLookup' function which will return null as you require.