xxlong0 / Wonder3D

Single Image to 3D using Cross-Domain Diffusion for 3D Generation
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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When does the background turn white ? #165

Open purpleman-ljl opened 2 months ago

purpleman-ljl commented 2 months ago

I've trained the first-stage model for 30,000 iterations, bg_color is set to 'three_choices', and the resulting background color is still gray, and the grayness of each image is different. How many times does it take to train the background to turn white ?

xxlong0 commented 2 months ago

You may find that the foreground looks OK but the background is not white. It indicates that your model still does not converge well. You may train more steps, or change the backrground to "white" in the training stage but may don't know when the model converges well.

834810269 commented 1 month ago

I've trained the first-stage model for 30,000 iterations, bg_color is set to 'three_choices', and the resulting background color is still gray, and the grayness of each image is different. How many times does it take to train the background to turn white ?

Have you resolved the issue? Did you change the bg_color to white in the config?