xxorde / librekinect

Depth data from a kinect sensor! Small and fast kernel driver. Also for embedded devices like the raspberry pi!
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get depth data of kinect with radxa #17

Closed keshavarziamin closed 2 years ago

keshavarziamin commented 9 years ago

hi I have a question about saving kinect data onto the Radxa. I connect kinect to radxa and install libfreenect in ubuntu. when I type libfreenect-glview in terminal, the system error. beacuse radxa and other boards don't support OpenGL. howavere, the system works when type freenect-titldemo in trminal and I use commend lsusb teminal shows that I have XBOX Kinect Audio, Motor and Camera have been recognized. the only way to get depth data of kinect is using freenect.sync_get_depth() and freenect.sync_get_video(). But when I use them, the system doesn't work and radxa isn't getting data from kinect. the system don't work, don't error.

I am programing with python OR C++.

you made usb kernel for rasPI. is it right for radxa? how do you get data from kinect? how to fix this problem?

Thanks for everyone's help.