xxorde / librekinect

Depth data from a kinect sensor! Small and fast kernel driver. Also for embedded devices like the raspberry pi!
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depth image - still dropping packets ??? #28

Closed YadavKapil closed 9 years ago

YadavKapil commented 9 years ago


Can anyone please post his/her own depth image for comparision with my depth image?

My depth image is similar to the one I got from libfreenect (libfreenect was working but with dropped packets). Thats why, I think the packets are still being dropped inspite of using librekinect in my case. I might be doing something wrong. Can you please tell me whats wrong?

My depth image from librekinect - screenshot from 2015-04-26 00 54 51

My depth image from libfreenect - screenshot from 2015-04-26 00 52 25

What could be the reason for this? @robertheinze @lucyking @sjobeek Can you please help me by posting your own depth image for comparision with my depth image?


nik012003 commented 9 years ago


Sorry for the photo taken by the phone

YadavKapil commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the image... I really helped me.. I guess there is something wrong in my setup.

One more question.... are you getting grayscale depth image or a coloured depth image(as in my case) ?

nik012003 commented 9 years ago

I'm getting grayscale depth image only.

robertheinze commented 9 years ago

Mine looks exactly the same way

lucyking commented 9 years ago

I also only got grayscale img. I doubt the problem is that you using Remmina Remote Desktop Clinet. If you connect the Raspberry Pi directly to a monitor,everything may goes well ;-)

YadavKapil commented 9 years ago

@lucyking Thanks for the suggestion... Remmina was indeed the problem... I changed its setting to True color (32bpp) and quality slowest (best). And i started getting proper grayscale images.