gotop (optionally) exports sensor data as Prometheus metrics. It uses the default http format, which is K/V pairs with copious comments. An improvement would filter outgoing metrics to only gotop sensor data (this alone would halve -- or more -- the data transfered and parsed), and removing the comments would halve it further. An additional improvement would be to talk using a binary format, which would compress the data transfered even further as well as optimize data consumption.
gotop (optionally) exports sensor data as Prometheus metrics. It uses the default http format, which is K/V pairs with copious comments. An improvement would filter outgoing metrics to only gotop sensor data (this alone would halve -- or more -- the data transfered and parsed), and removing the comments would halve it further. An additional improvement would be to talk using a binary format, which would compress the data transfered even further as well as optimize data consumption.