xy2z / dopenote

📝 Self-hosted modern webapp for notes - Free and open source - (WORK IN PROGRESS)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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2FA - Google Authenticator - Login #115

Open xy2z opened 4 years ago

xy2z commented 4 years ago

On the login page, if the user has enabled 2fa, the user must enter the correct 2fa code to login.

Only show the 2fa form if both email and password are correct.

The UI is made using Bulma.io

Let me know if you have questions.

ayrtonvwf commented 4 years ago

Hello, Nice project, I'd love to contribute. What should be done on this issue instead of #110?

xy2z commented 4 years ago

@ayrtonvwf This is only for the login page. So when a user signs in, and if user has enabled 2FA, the user must enter the 2fa code to successfully sign in.

110 is only about enabling/disabling 2FA in user settings.

I can't really remember why I splitted this up tho.