xy2z / dopenote

📝 Self-hosted modern webapp for notes - Free and open source - (WORK IN PROGRESS)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mail support & Docs #193

Closed xy2z closed 4 years ago

xy2z commented 4 years ago

When a user has forgot their password they recieve an email. This currently doesn't work because we need mail support.



I'm thinking it should be in the .env file:


MAIL_DRIVER Supported: "smtp", "sendmail", "mailgun", "mandrill", "ses", "sparkpost", "log", "array".

Sendmail will probably require "mailutils" to be installed in the Docker image... (needs test)

xy2z commented 4 years ago

You must set the MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS env

xy2z commented 4 years ago

SMTP works. I'm not installing sendmail since it won't work without postfix (i think?) or you would have to add a volume file for the sendmail config file, and that's a bit for advanced users, so just use smtp instead or make your own Dockerfile from the dopenote image.

msmtp or ssmtp is also an option, but again i dont think many uses "sendmail" - Most will probably use SMTP? So I wont add it for now, since it will make the docker image bigger. Maybe we'll add it later, if it's requested.

xy2z commented 4 years ago

Docs done: https://dopenote.gitbook.io/docs/install/setup-mail