xyflow / react-flow-docs-v9

Archived documentation of React Flow version 9. Powered by Gatsby.
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Playground for react-flow #19

Open arjungarg07 opened 3 years ago

arjungarg07 commented 3 years ago

Currently, we don't have any playground where one could do some changes and see the changes in the flow in real-time.

It would be really good if we could have playgrounds like: mermaid, plantUML, dotUML


RickeyWard commented 2 years ago

I love this idea, but this is a bit of a complicated to use library and to have a worthwhile sandbox experience it would be better to include a link that spins up a new, current codesandbox and as it would just so happen @moklick already made templates on codesandbox for react-flow in both js and ts. image

Here's a fresh one, knock yourself out. https://codesandbox.io/s/react-flow-starter-ou8or