xyflow / xyflow

React Flow |Β Svelte Flow - Powerful open source libraries for building node-based UIs with React (https://reactflow.dev) or Svelte (https://svelteflow.dev). Ready out-of-the-box and infinitely customizable.
MIT License
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πŸ‘‹ Who else is using React Flow? #1929

Closed cliffordfajardo closed 7 months ago

cliffordfajardo commented 2 years ago

It would be nice to include a list of organisations that use react-flow in the docs.

Please include:

  1. Organisation name
  2. Link to organization site
  3. If possible, you can attach a codesandbox, public product screenshots or demo URL page.

CC @moklick @chrtze - please take a look at details dropdown below πŸ™

Details (this is inspired by what I saw in this repo ↓ Graphin (another data viz library) has an issue pinned on their issues page allowing users to post how they're using the library. - https://github.com/antvis/Graphin/issues ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6743796/155409436-cdc266aa-695b-4e90-8f3c-600e1a7a8ea7.png) πŸ€” Unfortunately, I don't think Github Disussions allows pinning of content
cliffordfajardo commented 2 years ago

Organisation name:

Background Context Use Case: I'm using it for an internal tools, to help us visualize our data center infrastructure (ex: devices on a network & what its connected to) Why I decided to use react-flow-renderer:

CleanShot 2022-02-23 at 13 06 35@2x


ℹ️ In case anyone is new to their data visualization journey and wondering when it might be best to use SVG/DOM vs Canvas/WebGL etc, this video really helped me identify my use case & arrive at the conclusion that react-flow-renderer was a good fit for my use cases.

moklick commented 2 years ago

Hey @cliffordfajardo

this is a very good idea! Thanks, we will pin it :) I think you meant ".. that use React Flow ..." instead of "..that use graphin ...".

joshuataylor commented 2 years ago

I found this project through https://github.com/re-data/re-data

They use it for their lineage - https://docs.getre.io/ui-latest/#/graph

jdsamar commented 2 years ago

does anyone know how to change properties of drag and drop components in react-flow-renderer

cliffordfajardo commented 2 years ago

Hi @jdsamar The community would be happy to help; Would you be able to ask this question in the new Q&A section of this github repository located here?

Asking in the Q&A section of the github repository will help others in the future as well πŸ™

This also might not be the most appropriate github thread for this type of question πŸ˜‰

Ovyerus commented 2 years ago

Not an org, but I made a database schema visualiser using React Flow!

Repo: https://github.com/Ovyerus/prismaliser Site: https://prismaliser.app/

cliffordfajardo commented 2 years ago

Some of these open source project were shared in the discord

chaiNNer (Github)

A flowchart/node-based image processing GUI aimed at making chaining image processing tasks (especially those done by neural networks) easy, intuitive, and customizable. No existing GUI gives you the level of customization of your image processing workflow that chaiNNer does. Not only do you have full control over your processing pipeline, you can do incredibly complex tasks just by connecting a few nodes together.


bitFlow (Github)

Bitflow a library for creating and conducting dynamic flow-based assessments.

CleanShot 2022-03-23 at 07 43 20

Audio tool (Github)

A node-based DAW built on react


prereq-flow (Github)

Prereq Flow is an unofficial course planning aid for University of Washington students that visualizes courses and prerequisites in undergraduate degrees.


Concepts from people in community (no source code at this time)


doubleloop.app (Website)

DoubleLoop helps product teams visualize their strategy, track the performance of their initiatives, and get better outcomes.

CleanShot 2022-03-23 at 07 56 46

dzikoysk commented 2 years ago

I see there are some links to open-source projects, so I can also mention one more - I'm using React Flow in a read-only component on the Reposilite's landing page:

longnc100500 commented 2 years ago



this is my mindmap project base on reactflow

doflo-dfa commented 1 year ago

still a work in progress but should be soft launching in the next month or two

spaceymonk commented 1 year ago

Here is my open-source project, FlowerApp. It enables you to create, run, analyze and export (as PNG and pseudo-code) flowcharts.


Repo: https://github.com/spaceymonk/flower-app Web site: https://web.itu.edu.tr/~ozkanbe19/flower-app/

ozovalihasan commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone :wave:,

Thanks to all contributors for this amazing library :rocket::rocket::rocket:

I developed a tool(EAD, Entity Association Diagram) to make the prototyping process of a Ruby on Rails project faster and easier. It is an open-source project.


dsilva01 commented 1 year ago

My project is a flowchart convert, you can create, run, save, and export (as java code and PNG)

Screenshot from 2022-10-10 00-53-30

dsilva01 commented 1 year ago

@spaceymonk, my project is similar to yours

Sarfraz-droid commented 1 year ago

Working on a project which allows users to create code-logic using a visual editor


makaroni4 commented 1 year ago

Thank you SO MUCH @moklick and @chrtze πŸ™Œ I've tried all graph/flow JS libraries and React Flow is light years ahead of everyone. I really appreciate that the community version is open-sourced and MIT ❀️

I run a Data Analysis course called SQL Habit and my students often ask for schema visualization. Here it is:

Screenshot 2023-01-19 at 21 49 40

The visualizer is also open-sourced, anyone can clone the repo and create their own schema visualization. 🍻

πŸ”— Website: https://sqlhabit.github.io/sql_schema_visualizer/ πŸ”— Github repo: https://github.com/sqlhabit/sql_schema_visualizer

sskanishk commented 1 year ago

Organization name: Futwork Website: www.futwork.com Usecase: Internal tool to create conversation flow and nodes are render in APP as screens. Added screenshot which is 1/4 part of entire canvas.

Futwork Reat Flow

aleksbobic commented 1 year ago

Thanks for making this amazing library! It saved me a lot of time and enabled me to create some features and functionalities that would otherwise be very hard to implement! πŸ˜„

I'm using it in my PhD project called Collaboration Spotting X, which is a network-based visual analytics and information retrieval tool for analyzing tabular data using networks. I use react flow, particularly for the history component, interactive graph schema as well as an advanced search component.

Collaboration Spotting X - Preview

Website: [csxp.me](https://www.csxp.me](https://www.csxp.me) GitHub: https://github.com/aleksbobic/csx

RichSchulz commented 1 year ago
  1. Taktile
  2. https://www.taktile.com Screenshot 2023-05-11 at 18 35 54
nixxholas commented 10 months ago

SolanaFM https://solana.fm