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[V12.next12] updateNodeData / updateNode will reset node width / height if not provided in the update #4164

Closed bogris closed 1 month ago

bogris commented 2 months ago

Describe the Bug

Using v12.next12, I implemented updateNodeData function to ... update the node data 👯

it will do the update as expected, but the node width/height gets reseted after the update.

the folowing 2 function will reset the node width / height after execution. Data is updated corectly.

updateNodeData(node.id, data)
updateNode(node.id, {

this on the other hand works as expected:

 updateNode(node.id, {
        width: node.computed?.width,
        height: node.computed?.height,

Note: when I insert the node I provide the width and hight as props for the node:

    type: 'custom-one',
    id: Math.random().toString(36).substring(7),
    data: {
      label: 'Test node 0-2',
      expanded: true,
      className: 'flex flex-col gap-2 p-1 pt-20',
    extent: 'parent',
    width: 220,
    height: 100,
    position: { x: x || 10, y: y || 50 },

the nodes in question are children of another node. Troughout the lyfecicle of the node I am updating the width and height, and I am reading it from "computed" (very clear now)

My oppinion: It looks like it is doing a node rebuild based on the info I provided instead of merging it with the info that was already in the node. I would not expect this as the typing on the updateNode is Partial. I feel that updateNodeData and updateNode maybe share the same internals?... idk.

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Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue

  1. trigger updateNode() with new data
  2. the widht / height of the node are recalculated based on the content I have inside.
Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 15 48 41

Expected behavior

width and height should remain unchenged from what was there.

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Additional context

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moklick commented 2 months ago

you can pass options to updateNode and updateNodeData as a third param. The default is { replace: true } for updateNode and { replace: false } for updateNodeData. Maybe a bit confusing 🤔

bogris commented 2 months ago

i don't know if this was the problem, because even if we replace, I would expect to replace it with a merged node (old + my changes).

in the mean time, I managed to update my code to next14 (parentNode >> parentId took me a while...) --> i really like this one 2 :)

the good news is that in 14 it works as expected in both functions, with or without the 3-rd param.

I don't have any functionality linked to node replacements to go deeper into this.

Regarding the default, my vote goes to: either one, but make them the same on both functions. For me at least, (where I had the functions manually implemented in prev versions) I feel that the API for both should be the same as they kind of serve simmilar purpose.

I don't have a proper understanding on the side effects for the replace to say true/false.

I think we can close this one corect?

bogris commented 2 months ago

before we close it, on the same topic,

in next14, when I call updateNode / updateNodeData, the change that comes in contains a replace for all the nodes.

I am logging the changes array in the onChange function

I also have zustand implemented, but I feel that it should't affect this.

moklick commented 1 month ago

New default since 12.0.0-next.15 is replace: false for updateNode and updateNodeData