xyhp915 / logseq-journals-calendar

A journals calendar for Logseq.
MIT License
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Please make the first day of week customizable. #2

Open jenningsb2 opened 2 years ago

jenningsb2 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the work you've done to bring this plugin to life!

I prefer my calendar starting on Monday, so it would be great if you could expose that as a configurable setting.

It would be the :firstDayOfWeek="2" prop in App.vue

tjstankus commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to respect the :start-of-week setting that already exists in Logseq?

webracer999 commented 1 year ago

I also like to change to Monday as start of week. Respecting :start-of-week would be very nice.

But I accidentally found out that there are separate settings for the plugin. Go to your plugins in Logseq and you will find a little wheel icon on the left down corner of "Journal calendar". There you can change firstDayOfWeek. Please note: :start-of-week -> 0 to 6; firstDayOfWeek -> 1 - 7

oliveremmler commented 10 months ago

Hi, the first day of the week is configurable. CleanShot 2023-08-28 at 20 50 18 Would this qualify for closing/done this issue? Best Regards, Oliver