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Adjusting volume in paused mode plays sounds #3

Closed xyl0n closed 9 years ago

xyl0n commented 9 years ago

If the application is paused, then adjusting any volumes starts up the sounds. However, it does not change the icon on the play/pause button, which is confusing.


For the 1st option, it could be done as follows:

xyl0n commented 9 years ago

Fixed (kind of) by using the 'pausing_keep' option when giving commands to mplayer. This pauses ASAP if the player was already in a paused state. Also changed the value-changed signals to button-release-events since mplayer seems to be slow at setting volumes, so it leaves a small gap before pausing, which is more noticable when sliding the slider. As a result, we now only set the volume when the user releases the button.