xyl0n / iris-light

A light version of the Iris Gtk theme. Aims to be clean, simple and bold.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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White text on white background on selected item (in several applications) #33

Open ghost opened 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

screenshot from 2014-07-01 11 01 59

When selecting items in Anki's sidebar, the text color becomes white and illegible (see above).

I have a similar issue in LibreOffice: here hovering a menu item makes the text the same color as the background, and thus illegible.


I checked some other applications. Sqliteman also suffers from the same problem. To be more precise, it has a sidebar with text items, that, when clicked upon, the text gets the same color as the background.

Anki and Sqliteman are both Qt programs, could this be an issue?

(I have gtk2-engines-murrine and gtk2-engines-pixbuf installed. I copied the theme to /usr/share/themes.)

xyl0n commented 10 years ago

@Neftas it is indeed because of the fact that they are both Qt based applications, which may not be able to read the theming properly. I'm not sure if this is fixable but I'll look into it.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Thanks. I've played around with the CSS myself a bit, but I'm not really familiar with GTK+. The theme is just beautiful, and it would be great if Qt-based applications could work with it properly. Thanks for the time and effort!

xyl0n commented 10 years ago

@Neftas Qt uses the Gtk 2 theme which is a little harder to theme, and may therefore cause bugs due to the fact that Qt has different widgets to Gtk which may not be themed by the Gtk 2 theme.

ghost commented 10 years ago

I see. And there is not really a way around this?

kwrabbit commented 9 years ago

I can confirm the illegible white-on-white issue for clementine and gparted as well. The former exhibits this behavior in the progress bar, as well as in the artist/album panel when selecting an item. In the latter, the behavior is found in the task progress bar.

xyl0n commented 9 years ago

This issue also exists in Eclipse - the trend here is that they are all using Gtk 2 theming (apart from gparted which should be using Gtk 3 theming).

Rikkers commented 9 years ago

I also found this issue in Kadu (IM client) and Ubuntu Tweak. So no way around this thing?