Couple sentences about how static vs. dynamic languages efficiency is a hard problem, but gradual typing in a dynamic language is an easier problem, and one we are investigating here.
[x] Background: Re-organization as suggested.
[x] change section headers
[x] Gradual typing
[x] Re-contextualize relevant parts
[ ] Analysis_:
Follow the research question from introduction "more precisely"
Move "costs and benefits" from conclusions into Analysis?
[ ] Discussion
the discussion can go back to the main focus: why use python if you statically
the code anyway, probably with a high-level summary considering both effect and cost you investigated in the analysis. If it’s a short discussion, better to integrate it into conclusion.
tavallaan inserttaa "mun ajattelua" nyt kun oon asiantuntija?
[ ] Related work:
Jos tänne sopii enemmän tavaraa, voi olla ihan hyvä, mutta tällaisenaan olis hyvä jättää pois