xyluz / Twitter-Video-Downloader

Twitter Video Downloader
27 stars 20 forks source link

not found all videos #1

Closed FadelSultan closed 6 years ago

FadelSultan commented 6 years ago

Hello ,

Thank's for this app

I use it but not found all videos

<?php include_once('GetTwitterFeed.class.php');

$retrieveUrl = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=xyluz"; $consumer_key = "*"; $consumer_key_secret = "***";

$objTwitter = new GetTwitterFeed($retrieveUrl, $consumer_key, $consumer_key_secret);

$raw_feed = json_decode($objTwitter->getJsonFeed(),TRUE);

$count_feed = count($raw_feed);



Twitter Video Downloader

" . $strip['content_type']. "

"; echo "


"; } } } ?>

see this error

Notice: Undefined index: extended_entities in /storage/ssd2/771/5868771/public_html/twitter1/feed.php on line 33

and how can i get media for one tweet by url


like this

xyluz commented 6 years ago

For one i think you need to update your browser, let me know if the issue still remains after updating browser.