xyncro / chiron

JSON for F#
MIT License
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Make Chiron a portable library #59

Closed neoeinstein closed 8 years ago

neoeinstein commented 8 years ago

Per the advice given in a recent keynote by the Visual F# team, we should look at providing Chiron (and Aether) as portable libraries that can be consumed on .NET Core as well.

neoeinstein commented 8 years ago

Cross reference to xyncro/aether#33

kolektiv commented 8 years ago

Completely happy to try and do this, and with Aether. Not totally sure of exactly how yet, I remember trying to find a good example of how to do so and failing totally, but I'll have another look. If anyone actually knows, I'm more than willing to listen to them :)

kolektiv commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/fsprojects/FsProjectsAdmin/issues/10 for reference...

kolektiv commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/fsprojects/FSharp.Control.AsyncSeq/pull/42 for reference...

kolektiv commented 8 years ago

6.0.1 is now a portable library! Profile259...