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Swagger and versioning #195

Open xperiandri opened 7 years ago

xperiandri commented 7 years ago

How Swagger generation and versioning can be implemented in Freya as well as with Swashbuckle and ASP.NET API Versioning which use MVC ApiExplorer in ASP.NET Core?

panesofglass commented 6 years ago

Possibly related to #200

panesofglass commented 5 years ago

I've recently been thinking it might be possible to leverage Freya, or something like Freya, as a target for https://github.com/panesofglass/SwaggerProvider/tree/api-provider. Generating a computation expression from a type provider to satisfy the definitions should be possible. I'm not sure how much or little of Freya would be usable in this approach, though. The general idea would be that you could generate computation expressions for each resource with all the available hooks, and only those, made available in the CE.